The three main focus areas of Operation Lockdown are (1) to build community confidence in the SAPS, (2) arrest and successfully prosecute offenders in close collaboration with the National Prosecuting Authority and (3) the recovery of unlicensed firearms used to commit gang related crimes, the confiscation of illegal drugs and the incarceration of drug traffickers.
Many suspects are behind bars due to the community’s involvement in furnishing information, anonymously in some instances, to the police. The community has constantly expressed their appreciation to the SAPS for working tirelessly towards making sure that the Northern areas are once again safe.
During the month of July, the SAPS achieved exceptional arrests, confiscations and successful prosecutions of accused appearing in gang related shootings.
The successes are as follows :
Firearms seized - 23;
Arrests - 93 (murder,att murder, armed robbery,dealing/possession of drugs, illegal possession of firearms and ammunition);
Drugs seized - 253 dagga rolls, 1667,6 g of loose dagga, 688 mandrax, 152 tik packets, 162 tik pipes ,6824 Schedule 5 tablets;
Cash confiscated during arrests - R36 998-00.
Excellent investigations and exceptional teamwork with the prosecuting authority resulted in several convictions and sentencing during the month of July.
The successes achieved by the Gang Task Team for July are as follows :
-Candice Nel (22) sentenced on 11 July 2016 for Unlawful possession of a firearm and unlawful possession of ammunition to 6 years and 6 months imprisonment.
-Pieter Pretorius (25) sentenced on 14 July 2016 for Attempted murder, unlawful possession of firearm and unlawful possession of ammuntion to 18 years imprisonment.
-Kieran Ivano Louis @ Papers (27) sentenced on 25 July 2016 for Attempted murder, unlawful possession of firearm and unlawful possession of ammunition to 14 years imprisonment.
-Lorenzo William sentenced on 27 July 2016 for Attempted murder to 7 years imprisonment.
Urick Jenniker (23) sentenced on 29 July 2016 for Murder, illegal possession of firearm, illegal possession of ammunition to 18 years imprisonment.
Despite various attacks on police such as stone throwing and damage to vehicles by some members of the community, the police remain resolute in their quest to ensure that peace and stability remain in these areas.
The Acting Cluster Commander for Mount Road cluster, Brigadier Ernie Neveling, commends the contribution made by the police and other departments. These sentences augur well for the police because it shows that thorough dedication and relentless pursuit of the cases, resulted in these lengthy sentences.
VIA - SA Police Service
Reviewed by MHM Marketing & Design
August 08, 2016

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