On behalf of the Council and administration of the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality, I wish all the many Christian residents of our city a blessed Easter weekend. I trust that you will enjoy this time of reflection with your family and be bolstered with a spiritual reawakening.
"During this time we are reminded of the values Nelson Mandela stood for, the icon we are named after. A man whose legacy is steeped in the Christian faith. He was a peacemaker and a development agent whose religious values drove him to contribute generously as a steadfast leader to the liberation struggle of the people of our country.
Easter is of course also a family fun-time in Nelson Mandela Bay: Our annual Splash Festival, which will be held at Hobie Beach from 25 – 28 March, promises loads of entertainment for the whole family. The Splash Festival has matured into an exciting showcase of local, national and international entertainment acts and we hope that you will make time to join the festivities.
To the many thousands of visitors: Welcome in the Bay: I trust that you will spend some quality family and holiday time in our midst this Easter weekend. Do explore our city and its many attractions.
I appeal to all our residents and visitors to take the normal precautions to ensure their own safety and security. Our law enforcement agencies will be out in full force on our streets this Easter Weekend to ensure your safety and comfort.
Finally, as South Africa approaches the second voter registration weekend on 9 and 10 April, I appeal to all prospective voters to register to vote in the upcoming local government elections or to check to make sure that their names appear on the Voters Roll.
Have a happy, safe, exciting and wonderful Easter in Nelson Mandela Bay!"
VIA - nelsonmandelabay.gov.za
Reviewed by MHM Marketing & Design
March 24, 2016
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